Hand Surgery

Plastic Surgeons are responsible for most of the medical management of complex hand health problems and  hand surgery 


Most broken bones of the hand heal with casting for a period of 4 weeks. However, some fractures will require surgery to better align the broken fragments if the break occurs into a joint where arthritis is more likely to occur if the broken fragments are not properly lined up.


When nerves in the hand are cut accidentally, Fingers or thumbs are numb after nerve injuries. If a successful nerve repair operation is possible, some of the feeling does return to the involved finger or thumb tip several days after the operation. Patients are usually out of work 2-3 weeks with these injuries, but they must be careful to protect the numb parts until sensation returns.


Tendons are the cords responsible for thumb and finger movement and they are underneath the skin. When injured, plastic surgery will be needed to repair it in order to regain normal finger function. 

Trigger Finger

It is when the  finger stuck as it flexes into the palm this is accompanied by “popping” and pain. A tendon whose bulge becomes too big to smoothly traverse within its tunnel causes trigger finger. Trigger finger is curable with an operation under local anesthesia to release the tunnel and allow smooth tendon gliding.